Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Massachusetts is America!!

The Massachusetts Senate Election yesterday, was America taking its country back. It was great to see. A state known as the most liberal states, saw the independent voters come out and oppose what is going on in Washington. With it, the Senate lost the vote it needs to pass health care reform. I have been singing the Don Mclean song American Pie all day, but instead of the line "the day, the music died." I keep thinking the day health care reform died. At least the bills on the table now that are loaded with higher taxes, less choice and bribes to Nebraska and Lousiana.

I am a believer that the system needs fixed, but again, look at the poles, only 32% of Americans wanted the bill that was being rammed through Congress. We elect officials to be our representation to do what WE WANT, not their own liberal agenda ( or conservative agenda if that is the case).

Massachusetts sent a message yesterday to Washington, that America, and this still is America, a government for the people by the people, is tired of how things are being done in Washington.

I hope now they will listen.

Eric Wilson, is the president of I Sell Health, Inc. A Chicago area insurance agent who serves the Mid-west. He can be reached at 888-448-5370. You can visit online at or email him at

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